Leif Bolander & Co AB, here called Bolander & Co, C.I.N 556084-6346, Box 1027, 751 40 Uppsala, visiting address: Dragarbrunnsgatan 39, Telephone: 018-56 71 00, Fax: 018-13 31 75, web site:, e-mail:,
Our intermediaries relate to physical persons employed at Bolander & Co with the right to mediate insurance.
Registration and control
Bolander & Co is registered at Bolagsverket as an intermediary for loss insurance.
Information pertaining to the registration can be obtained from Bolagsverket, 851 81 SUNDSVALL, Telephone: 0771-670 670, Fax: 060-12 98 40, web site:, e-mail:
The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (FI) is the supervisory authority and shall on request furnish information regarding the permission for an employee at Bolander & Co to mediate insurance and the restrictions, if any, relating to the type of insurance that can be mediated. Information about the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (FI): Finansinspektionen, Box 6750, 113 85 Stockholm, Telephone: 08-787 80 00, Fax: 08-24 13 35, web site:,
If Bolander & Co deliberately or through an oversight neglects its duties in accordance with the Insurance Distribution Act (SFS 2018:1219), Bolander & Co is obligated to compensate for any loss that has in this way affected the customer. If the customer wishes to make a claim for damages the broker must be notified of this within a reasonable period of time from when the customer notices or should have noticed that damage has occurred.
Bolander & Co’s liability for damages is limited in each individual claim to the amount that is paid from the communicated compulsory ideality insurance. The insurance provider is AIG Europe S.A., insurance number 111-4943. Maximum compensation that can be paid from the indemnity insurance is EUR 1 M Euro per claim and EUR 4 M per annum. Direct claims can be made against the indemnity insurance provider in accordance with the above.
Complaint handling
If the customer wishes to present a complaint to Bolander & Co, contact should be made with the person who is responsible for complaints. The person responsible for complaints is Mattias Bolander, telephone 018-56 71 00. The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority is notified of whom at Bolander & Co is appointed as being responsible for complaints.
Bolander & Co has an established policy and instructions for complaint handling, to which all employees at the company have been given access. The reply to a complaint, alternatively a decision regarding continued handling of the matter should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than 14 days from when the complaint was received.
Guidance, if the customer wishes to present a complaint, can be found at the web site of the Swedish Insurance Broker’s Association (SFM), web site: